- Presencial
- 16 horas
- Madrid
- Gustavo Sutter
Dirigido a: administradores y directores de proyectos que integran FPGAs o Sistemas en un Chip (SoC) tipo Zynq. Resulta de vital importancia para diseñadores de software empotrado que corre sobre sistemas reconfigurables, diseñadores de PCB e integradores de sistema que necesitan conocer las implicaciones en su área respecto del uso de FPGAs. Esta capacitación es útil también para los recién llegados a las tecnologías FPGA que desean evaluar las fortalezas y el potencial de la tecnología.
- Este curso proporciona una introducción detallada al flujo de diseño y las capacidades de FPGA actuales.
- Se hace hincapié en el diseño de sistemas FPGA sólidos y una comprensión profunda del flujo de diseño.
- Esta formación se organiza en cinco módulos, donde se revisan aspectos tales como: La perspectiva histórica de las FPGAs, características, fortalezas y debilidades y tendencias futuras. Diseño de FPGAs usando el Vivado Design Suite. Diseño de sistemas embebidos con Xilinx FPGA. Herramienta de síntesis de alto nivel (HLS) y otras herramientas específicas de dominio.
Lugar de celebración: Escuela Politécnica Superior Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM)
Module 1: FPGA historical perspective, characteristics, strengths and weaknesses and future trends.These modules incudes economic aspects, main families and sectors, case examples such as complex control loops, signal processing, real-time image processing, machine learning, high performance computing, etc. Evolution from Glue Logic to Adaptable-Inteligence. Programing and computing models for today’s complex Systems-on-Chip. How to program and validate complex multidisciplinary systems in a very short period of time.
Module 2: Designing FPGAs Using the Vivado Design Suite.This module offers introductory training in the Vivado Design Suite and helps you understand the design flow with Xilinx FPGAs. This course teaches how to create an FPGA design, which includes the creation of a Vivado Design Suite project, simulating the design, making pin assignments, applying basic timing constraints, synthesizing, implementing and debugging the design. Finally, the process to generate and download bitstream on a demo board is also covered.
Module 3: Embedded Systems Design with Xilinx FPGA. This module will introduce the possibilities to develop complete embedded systems in FPGA. The features and capabilities of both the Zynq, Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC, and the MicroBlaze soft processor are covered in lectures, demonstrations, and labs, along with general embedded concepts, tools, and techniques.
Module 4: High-Level Synthesis (HLS) tool and others domain specific tools.The module provides a thorough introduction to the Vivado High-Level Synthesis (HLS) tool and introduce notions of SDSoC, SDAccel, SDNet and SystemGenerator. Additionally, discuss domain specific frameworks for machine learning and computer vision.
Module 5: System-level integration.The purpose of this module is to present the different choices to use FPGA in electronic systems. If the choice is to create a custom PCB, complexity and costs are detailed, as well as More information and scheduleat(detalles y calendario en) http://www.electratraining.orgpower issues (power supply and thermal management). Alternatives to custom PCB are discussed: System-On-Modules (SOM), which solve the most complex aspects of PCB design (FPGA and memory routing), and add-on boards (typically PCIe).
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